
Stamina Jog

I went for a jog today, and I call it a stamina jog since I had a good run two days ago, went to my capoeira lesson last night (a lot of fun, with our contra mestre's birthday; I got him good when he went a little too soft on me with a scorpion kick) followed by some intense bicycle riding back home. Today my legs did feel a l little sore, but after spending a few hours editing my first ever commercial, I felt I needed to go out for a bit of exercise. I did a short jog, just under 5k mostly on grass with my trailrunners on my feet.

Instead of jogging the last few hundred meters, I did a little bit of capoeira, working on my meia lua and forearm equilibrium. This week has surprised me in that even if in the past weeks, months to be honest,  I haven't been exercising so much. Thursday on a longish run I felt good, last night's lesson didn't tire me out as in other times, and I even went jogging this afternoon, training for three days straight. Hopefully I'll keep it up and get in better shape.

I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but this week I started doing 10 push ups randomly during the day (let's go for another set). I do it for capoeira, and elite runners would avoid it to keep their upper body mass low, but I jog for health and peace of mind, and strong arm do help with some of my favorite moves in capoeira, mainly handstands and equilibriums. Next step are sit-ups and crunches, that would definitely help keep my weight down and my center of gravity... centered!

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