
Jogging Haiku 25: Run to The Hills (addendum)

Mist of butterflies
Crossing overflowing streams,
Ah, back on true trail.

(24-25km according to trail markers in about 3:40)

This morning was my first outing on mountain trails in a long while, and I need to do it in preparation for the Kyoto Sanjurokumine Mountain race in December. I decided to run the trail between Ashiya and Takarazuka, passing by the top of Mt. Rokko. I hadn't been there in some time and the two major changes are the disappearance of the faucet on the trail going up (fail!) and the size of the streams; but this last one is temporary, owing to the typhoon that passed last weekend. It also made many of the paths softer, which was welcomed.

I had forgotten how nice it is to run on trails; critters left and right (I saw numerous insects including swarms of butterflies and a beetle; a mother boar and her two babies; many birds; lizards; and I heard things scurrying in the thicket), fresh air, beautiful vistas, nature's melodies, and so on. I wish I had more occasions to do so!

I'm pretty satisfied with the run. I did it in good time, considering the stage of my training, the technical course and my recent lack of mountain running. I was sort of hoping to finish it in 4 hours, and was happily surprised to see my final time. Either I overestimated the difficulty, or underestimated my condition; in either case, it's all good. What also surprised me was my condition afterwards. I definitely could have gone longer. And in a way I did since I rode my bicycle to and from my day job, adding another 24-5km to my day.

Here are some pictures from the day.

Shot from the Ashiya Rock Garden

Making my up to that summit 2/3 right 

High-flowing streams

Top of Mt. Rokko

Famous Curve 113, indicating the way to Takarazuka
My favorite spot between
Takarazuka and Rokko

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